I burnt myself vaccuming!

ARGH!!! I was vaccuming the house yesterday with the brand new steam vaccum from OSIM. I guess from the exhaustion of all the work, I wasn't being careful... They weren't kidding when they said it was 120 degrees steam. There I was idly vaccuming each cushion of the living room's upholstery when suddenly... the suction grasp the skin on my right thigh and steamed it as well!!! My reflexes were down so it took me awhile to realise what was happening until I felt the pain... DANG!!!

So lesson learnt... Always be alert while vaccuming with a steam vaccum. For now the house is fully steam vaccumed... Fleas are supposed to get themselves killed at the temperature of 40 degrees... if 120 degress don't kill them... I don't know what will! I should get my cats from the vet's soon... Hopefully the remaining flea survivors will try to get their hands on my flea treated cats and get themselves killed in the process...

Whole body is aching... Now I'm going to just lie back on my bed and enjoy the third book of David Edding's Mallorean series... Don't feel like doing anything else... Wish we had one of those full body massage OSIM chairs... hehehe...


Anonymous said…
wahliao!!! kena lottery!!! tak pasal2 3 entries in a row... because of what??? kutu??? teee heeeheee!!!

ok since you are taking a year off... you MUST come over here and visit ok. no excuse!!! come before your graduation laaaa. dah tak panas dah time tuuuhhh ok???

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