I love my family...

You know how when you come home after a days work... and all you want to do is pull the blankets over you and zzzzzzzzz...? Last night was one of those days... Reached home around 9 plus... and saw 3 extra cars around... *noooo... guests... why today?!* So I went inside put on a weary face hoping that they wouldn't bug me to stay that much... *oh... paquat session with Uncle Yem, Aunty Ain, Uncle Jojo and Aunty Hamidah... plus Ellen and the gang doing work in the middle of the night... must be some tender submission thing tomorrow*

Threw my stuff in my room... went back down to show more face abit before turning to bed... As usual... with them around... I always knew they'd have some cool new gadget lying around somewhere for me to tinker with... Looks like Uncle Jojo got himself a TyTnII too... *haha... kena bakar!* Of course them being them... they never fail to amuse me by telling me how good the stuff they got are when its usually I who recommends them in the first place... *haha*

While looking at Uncle Jojo's new phone... as usual Uncle Yem would tell about his under-utilised phones and how he don't know how to use them and try to convince me to teach them how. OMG... he got himself a B&O mobile phone?! WHY?!?! Seriously... too bling conscious already... which always make me cringe as being a gadget freak that I am... It really aches to see nice toys being under-utilised like this... *hahahaha*

Sitting down while I watched Uncle Jojo's tiles and steal some of his paquat skills... Uncle Yem sat next to me... and started on about how he needed to learn how to use a computer... *nooooo.... don't make me teach you... please!* Went on about how he wants to get a laptop and with the rest throwing recommendations and all... I just layan... "Yeah la... my granddaughter also already know how to use the computer and play games la this la that la... You really have to teach me how to use the moose and..." WHAT THE?! MOOSE?!?! *Muah AHa haH ahAH ahaHa haH ahaAH haHA ahHA ahAH ahA* I wanted to roll on the floor and die laughing! Of course I kena hit a few times for laughing so hard! Seriously... MOOSE?!?! Not only its wrong... its a totally different animal completely!!! *Waaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha!* Seriously cannot tahan!

He then started to ask me to teach him to SMS... Alamak! I send him SMS, no wonder he never reply! Then Uncle Jojo started on about how the SMS dictionary sucks and how it always changes the alphabets to something else other than what he intended it to be... I was like... Heh?! Oh... looks like our MENSA member is doing a funny yet again! Oh how mummy loved to bug him when he does this as she went on about how she knew about predictive text messaging since 5 years ago...

While teaching them about SMS and Predictive text messaging and forever laughing about how seriously bad they were for buying gadgets and not using its functions... Uncle Yem got a funny SMS... an unknown person asking him "Who are you?" in chinese characters... Of course this family would not believe me when I tell them anything... so he had to ask Uncle Jojo what the fellow sent him... This then led me to teaching Uncle Jojo how to SMS in chinese... *Muah AH ahAH ahAH aha ahAH ahAH ahAH ahA...* Now that's FUNNY! I can't believe a malay is teaching a chinese how to SMS in chinese!!!

Well... sometimes... when you think that you're just too tired to handle anything other than the pillow that waits for you upstairs... I guess you really have to sit and stay awhile before you go... because... you'll never know how simple things can really cheer a person up... I love my family... they may be abit dysfunctional *whose isn't eh?*... Seriously blur most of the time... Tire you out till you feel like crawling up and die some time or another... but when you least expect it... they seem to be able to make you smile... Love you all!


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