2004 is coming to an end... As I browse through the list of last year's "New Year's Resolutions" I have realised that I have not accomplished ANYTHING in the year 2004. Hence, the moment of this great depression is seeping through. Am I a failure? Had the year 2004 amounted to nothing? What have I done to better myself? What have I been doing? *am i really this pathetic?*

What on earth is the matter with me? Am I doing things wrong? Oh well, year ends always make me feel this way... It's just a matter of time till I get myself determined and raring to go again with next "New Year's Resolutions". *why torture myself u say? at least i have something to aim for!*

Till then... *sulk* *blue* *depressed* *sad* *upset* *leave me alone!*


Anonymous said…
lets see...

without you... we wouldn't have a bed to sleep in.
without you... we wouldn't have a dining table to eat on.
without you... we wouldn't have had a wonderful hari raya.
without you... we wouldn't have a computer of our own for the first time!
without you... leelwan wouldn't have an auntie mas with huge knockers when he/she is here next year.
without you... i wouldn't have a sister in 2004.

is that enough for this year? here's to the next and next and next!!! love you loads!!!

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