An Anime Artist In The Making...

A 14 year old girl drew this image...

I thinks she's very talented... I'm proud to say I am friends with 14 year olds who keep me young at heart! Especially when they are as talented as this! I hope she keeps on drawing like this so that one day when she grows up to be a famous anime artist for some really big japanese company I could say I knew her then... then can black mail her... then probably this picture here would be worth a fortune... Waaaaaaahahahahahahhahahahah... Ok now I'm going waaaaaayyyy over my head...

So here's me encouraging you meimei... Keep up the good drawings!!! I'm looking forward to u sending me more! hahahahaha

I guess I'm running out of ideas on what to write in this blog of mine... =P


Anonymous said…
WAH!!! Tsun u didn't need to praise me so much ba... alot of young talents u know...>< Of course i dun mind helping to draw u more! ;) Hahaha! Ya u abit over yr head. wahkakakaka! From yr mui! ;)

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