
Showing posts from June, 2008

٩๏̯͡๏)۶ Mas ... needs a break... [ HP : 23.6% | SP : 4.72% ]

... is the name i'm using on MSN... feeling a little drained... *Endric... hurry recover so that I can kill you!* Although there's alot of work... its still manageable I guess... but I think I'm kinda used to Endric *who is currently recovering from dengue fever... Get Well Soon Yah!* sitting behind me and his sudden outbursts and nutti-ness keeping me sane in a way... kinda like "we're all on the same boat! let's rock it!" On a lighter note... Kevin sold me his Taylor! WOO HOO! I've finally got myself an acoustic guitar! After years and years of trying to find the time and effort of aquiring one! Now what's so nice about the one I got? TAYLOR XXX-MC Mahogany w/Cedar Top 30th Anniversary � Type/Shape 6-String Grand Concert � Back & Sides Tropical American Mahogany � Top Western Red Cedar � Soundhole Rosette Abalone � Neck Tropical American Mahogany � Fretboard Ebony � Fretboard Inlay Pearl & Gold 30th Anniversary � Headstock Overlay Ebony...

I'm in love...

Kevin................................................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................

I love my family...

You know how when you come home after a days work... and all you want to do is pull the blankets over you and zzzzzzzzz...? Last night was one of those days... Reached home around 9 plus... and saw 3 extra cars around... *noooo... guests... why today?!* So I went inside put on a weary face hoping that they wouldn't bug me to stay that much... *oh... paquat session with Uncle Yem, Aunty Ain, Uncle Jojo and Aunty Hamidah... plus Ellen and the gang doing work in the middle of the night... must be some tender submission thing tomorrow* Threw my stuff in my room... went back down to show more face abit before turning to bed... As usual... with them around... I always knew they'd have some cool new gadget lying around somewhere for me to tinker with... Looks like Uncle Jojo got himself a TyTnII too... *haha... kena bakar!* Of course them being them... they never fail to amuse me by telling me how good the stuff they got are when its usually I who recommends them in the first place....

P. Ramlee The Musical ROX!

When they started the first season... I wanted to go watch... Told mummy bout it and she said she'll get us tickets and we'll go together... Kept reminding her about it the whole time it was showing... then suddenly... one night... she went and forgot about me?!?! *What the!* Of course... I merajuk with her for the whole week... Last night I finally get to watch it! I guess mummy made sure she got me tickets this time. *giggling* ... The show was... AMAZING! If it weren't for the fact that they were all dancing and singing in MALAY... I thought I was in London! The whole production was simply world class! What amazes me most was the stage and set! I can't believe a Malaysian could create something so outstanding! I guess my expectations were low to begin with when it comes to Malaysian productions... but NEVER AGAIN! Of course being me... I go seek for things that amazes me most... so after the show... While others wait for the actors to come out for photographs and a...


Monthly Expenses... Petrol : RM100 x 4 weeks = RM400 Ciggies : RM7.30 x 5 Packs x 4 weeks = RM146 Can I quit driving? *Muah AH ahaH ahHA haHA haH ahaH ahA*