Fasting Month Is Here Again... Doo Daa... Doo Daa!
So... The first day of fasting... couldn't really sleep... was abit excited maybe... managed to get some shut eye around 3am... Mummy brought me back the famous "ayam boblek" from Jogyakarta for sahur *last meal of the day... which is supposed to last the whole day till sunset... but who can eat much so early in the morning?*... Due to the fact that I overslept during the last first day of fasting... I set my phone alarm to ring not once... but 3 times!!! *hahahaha*... First ring went off at 4.30am *snooze*... 4.38am... *snooze*... 4.46am... *disable alarm*... Second alarm went off at 5am *snooze*... And the phone rang at 5.05am... Halimy managed to get me out of the bed to pick up the house phone... So conclusion... My 3 tier alarm system failed... *lol*... So down I went to chomp down the chicken that my mum bought for me... the leftover coke I had the night before... half a cup of strawberry yogurt drink... and a tall glass of cold water... Did my usual routine during this time of year to chat with Ron *for RO players... he was Shiro the Sniper in Konoha last time... Probably one of the few people on RO who is Malay...* Then got my first taste of detoxification of the body... *spent 1 hour in the loo... oh the torture... it must have been the yogurt drink... but then again... maybe my body was in a shock for... a. waking up too early and b. eating so early c. drinking plain water! haha... I'll still blame the yogurt though* With my trusted "Ru Yi Oil"... I endured the pain and collapsed back to bed... *lol*
8.22am... I received an sms from Auntie Ann... 9.10am... I replied her sms and told her to have a pleasant and safe journey and that I'll be waiting for stories anxiously... 9.12am... she called me back tell me her first story of thier journey... "The flight was delayed!" *lol*... 10.02am... she sms me again saying her flight was delayed for another hour... 11.10am... yet another sms informing me that she was finally boarding her plane... *hahaha* So in total... dunno how much I managed to sleep... with my tummy twisting in knots and waking up almost every hour on the hour... I finally managed to wake up at 12.30pm! *waaaaaaaaahahahahahaha... puasa apa nih?*
Wasn't really a productive Sunday... due to the blurness and lack of sugar in my blood... finally around 6pm we strutted out to the "Pasar Ramadhan Stadium Shah Alam" after a non-responsive toss of the question "Where to buka?" to each other... 6.22pm Auntie Ann sms one last time informing me of her arrival in Beijing... *took me awhile to figure out why she's sms-ing me... I forgot that we were sms-ing each other since morning... sugar level low... ultimate blurness*...
Before going to the pasar... I thought of having "Murtabak Singapore" which was selling at my favourite "Nasi Bryani" shop near the area... *mmm...* Pre-ordered Beef Murtabak... and continued our way to the pasar...
Next thing I bought was... My favorite "kuih apam balik" *yummy!*... Something which is a must every year during fasting season since before I could remember... *used to buy at a chinese kuih stall in bangsar... dunno what happened to that stall...*
Another must haves... is my soya bean drink... every year without fail... first day of break fast... my soya bean drink... Unfortunately... we were late and almost every shop was closing already... I managed to get it from this shop which still had ample supply due to... a. the name of the drink was "air tauhu" *I guess due to the mass blurness of the fasting community... people forgot that tauhu/toufu is made from soy... even Halimy asked me what's the difference =P* and b. they ran out of white syrup... I prefer the brown syrup anyway...
Went to search for our popiah stall... and only managed to find this one... since it was getting late... we just bought what we come upon with...
Around 7 something... people started breaking fast... and we were still looking for food! *okay... another effect of our blurness made us forget to check what time was the break fast time... and also the current time...* Halimy couldn't find the rojak stall we used to buy from every year so he bought it from the next shop that was selling indian rojak... I went to buy a glass of "Air Mata Kucing" to break fast with on the way back...
Rushed back to grab our pre-ordered murtabak... and rushed back home to feast! *yummy!*... I could say we were quite disciplined in purchasing our food this year... either a. most of the shops are closed or sold out... b. we were too blur to think what to buy... c. we got used to having small meals... or d. we just couldn't be bothered! *lol*
So there... My first day of fasting! Hope you had a good one too! To those who are fasting... Happy fasting!!! To those who aren't... Enjoy the plentiful selection of foods while you still can! Watch what you eat and don't pig out too much *giggling*... As my cardiologist told me... "its not fasting month... its feasting month..." So do take care! P.S. - Picasa integrates with Blogger! Google Rocks! Truly... "When in doubt... Google It!"