
Showing posts from December, 2004

An Anime Artist In The Making...

A 14 year old girl drew this image... I thinks she's very talented... I'm proud to say I am friends with 14 year olds who keep me young at heart! Especially when they are as talented as this! I hope she keeps on drawing like this so that one day when she grows up to be a famous anime artist for some really big japanese company I could say I knew her then... then can black mail her... then probably this picture here would be worth a fortune... Waaaaaaahahahahahahhahahahah... Ok now I'm going waaaaaayyyy over my head... So here's me encouraging you meimei... Keep up the good drawings!!! I'm looking forward to u sending me more! hahahahaha I guess I'm running out of ideas on what to write in this blog of mine... =P


2004 is coming to an end... As I browse through the list of last year's "New Year's Resolutions" I have realised that I have not accomplished ANYTHING in the year 2004. Hence, the moment of this great depression is seeping through. Am I a failure? Had the year 2004 amounted to nothing? What have I done to better myself? What have I been doing? *am i really this pathetic?* What on earth is the matter with me? Am I doing things wrong? Oh well, year ends always make me feel this way... It's just a matter of time till I get myself determined and raring to go again with next "New Year's Resolutions". *why torture myself u say? at least i have something to aim for!* Till then... *sulk* *blue* *depressed* *sad* *upset* *leave me alone!*

I'M NOW 24... *sigh*

According to the chinese calendar, two monkey years have past. I now feel old. Have I really aged? I still play games, I still pull pranks and I still bully my sister *even though she is actually older* . Playing RO makes me feel even older... A bunch of my team mates for the War of Emperium are half my age... My "RO Fiance" is only 14 *It's a game ok... I want to get the marriage skills* . I'm gonna be an aunty soon *my sis and I are only 2 years apart* ... Where did they time go??? What did I do today? I slept in so half of the day was wasted... Had Mc Donald's for lunch... Limy treated me to watch Alexander at GSC Gold Class *RM5 for renting a blardy blanket! Didn't know we were watching Gold Class so I wasn't prepared* ... Presents??? aQaQ & aLaN gave me a teddy and a feline collection of handbags... They also treated me to clay shooting when I was there... That was fun... even though it was freezing cold and raining, shoulder hurting from the mome...